Reading's for fags! So of course I do a lot of it. You should too.


The MORPHO books
I own these IRL, they're simple but informative.

More art books

Scans I made after a zine fest
Some of these can also be found online, but it's good to have backups. Contains things on internet privacy, piracy, anarchy, feminism, all that good stuff.


ms-demeanor's guides on why you should use firefox and bitwarden
Summarizes all my points better and more thoroughly than I could!


Anarchy Works
This was my introduction, it's not super dense nor is it in academic language. Accessible. Bullshit Jobs
Compares the modern job system to feudalism. Good fucking shit. Ismatu Gwendolyn's substack, but especially these three essays. The Liberation Library
Currently on hiatus, so some links are dead, but most still work. Great fuckin resource for SJ edu of all kinds. Are Prisons Obsolete?